Tuesday 3 November 2009

Music Video Project


Wednesday 21 October 2009

Video Production- 8 Shot Journey

This is my final product ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Our first project was to film a small journey of a fellow student in 8 different shots.. The 8 Shot Journey! We had to firstly draw up a storyboard, which shows each shot in detail. My journey started with Elliot rummaging through his bag to the pull out an empty packet of cigarettes. The journey showed him walking along the street to finally arrive at the shop to give the impression he was going to be buying more.

Once we had our storyboards checked we were set to film.. Not that we'd really been told how the camera worked but oh well ha, got to learn somehow. The filming was the most fun as we were just out and about and not stuck at college, although people did tend to get in the way.

The editing was the most annoying as i had no idea how to use the programme and just got really frustrated having to log in every shot into a logging sheet. But eventually I got it done.

This was my least favourite project as i feel it was the most rushed. I did enjoy doing it however, but I think that was more about the company than the actual project itself.

Overall i am happy with the outcome of my 8 Shot Journey and feel it was a good first attempt at filming.

Below you can find my Storyboards and Logging sheet:

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Radio Production

Our first project in Radio Production was to create an advert on Adobe Soundbooth using sound effects and narrative. We did an add for STI checks, IT'S NO JOKE!!!
Have a listen: Georgia and Holly - Sti Ad
Song in background: Kano- Nobody Don't Dance No More
Commentary: SNC Live, 98.1, your entertainment
Song in Background: Drake ft Lil Wayne & Trey Songz- Successful
Commentary: SNC live 98.1, the news headlines coming in your ears.. 'pause' ..every hour on the hour

Starting song: Wiley- Heavy Bass (grime remix)
Commentary: SNC live breakfast show, weekdays 7-11 am, playin the best oldskool tracks to start off your day, with me Georgia as your DJ
Second Song: Kano- Ghetto Kyote
Commentary: SNC live breakfast show 7-11 am, playing the best oldskool tracks to start off your day
End Song: Kano- Layer Cake


Overall I am happy with each of my Audio productions. My favourite is the Show Promo as this took a lot more work to complete therefore was more of a challenge. I had a couple of problems with some of the songs i initially wanted to use as they were not in MP3 format and therefore the programme we were using did not recognise them. i ended up choosing different songs, which in my opinion, worked alot better than my first choice so it all worked out well in the end.
For the Show Promo I used 3 different songs of my choice to fit into the Oldskool category that i had chosen to base my radio show on. I used Adobe Soundbooth to mix the 3 songs together, using fades and cropping them to achieve the best sound. Once i had mixed the songs together and was happy with the sound i then used the microphone to record myself reading the script i created. I placed the Speech inbetween each song to break it up abit and made sure there was no silence in any part of the promo atall. It took me a long time to complete the Show Promo but this just made it feel like more of an achievement when it was complete. The only problem with my Show Promo is that the intro is abit too long, the song plays a long time before the speech comes in. I could try and shorten this but i think it would sound a bit too blunt starting the song halfway through.
For my News Jingle i chose a song intro which was long enough to use with my commentary before any singing came in. I made sure the beat was quite slow to give the serious tone of the News. I only used the one song for this and used the microphone to record my script. I placed the commentary over the background beat and made it short and straight to the point. I like this News Jingle as it is simple yet still lets the audience know everything they need.
For my Station Ident i chose a quite upbeat tune as the background music to give off the impression of a fun and entertaining station. I sampled a small piece of this music and put my commentary over the top of this. I like this also as it is short, sweet and straight to the point.
I spent alot of time on my audio work and made sure i completed each one to a good standard. Overall i'm rather proud at the outcome of my first ever attempt at audio production :)

Thursday 8 October 2009

Pinhole Project

A pinhole camera is a very simple style of camera. It has no lens and a tiny aperture (hole). It is basically a light proofed tin or box with a hole in one side. Photo paper is placed in this box opposite the hole. Light passes through this hole, hits the paper and projects an inverted image.

I made my Pinhole camera out of a Pringles tube as i wanted the curved effect on each of my pictures. The focal length was 70mm and the diameter of the pinhole was 0.8mm. This gives an F stop of 87.5 (rounded up to 90). For my camera to take a decent image outside, the shutter had to be up for 30seconds. For an inside image the shutter had to be up for 5 minutes.